Role of a Christian Artist

I just finished reading, Christianity and the Arts, from The writer, Brian Thomas, in describing the current state of confusion within the arts uses the following quote from Gene Veith:
Just as the current intellectual establishment has lost its conceptual basis for truth, the artistic establishment has lost its conceptual basis for beauty. A Christian view of the arts can supply both.

Being an artist in our postmodern-minded generation can be tough. As Thomas points out in his article, our culture no longer has any concept of beauty. While I will admit that the term is rather ambiguous, I also hold that some art is inherently beautiful. Even a young child can recognize beauty when it is before them.

My professor, Kayb Carpenter, explained one of her first aesthetic experiences; seeing Winged Victory (Nike of Samothrace). She was exploring the Lourve in Paris and upon rounding a corner she was literally left breathless as the sight before her. The sculpture stands at the top of a long staircase and Kayb stood motionless for several minutes just in awe of the beautiful work of art.

If beauty can be so obvious even to a young child, why do some artist and critics try to make it so difficult?

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