Morton's Muse on Message

50% Chance of Rain - Jeffrey Morton

I was reading an article about my professor and fellow artist, Jeffrey Morton. He is one of the wisest people I've been around. While he is hesitant to put his ideas out in the open, I am always intrigued when he does. It was in this article that I discovered another of the simple yet profound ideas that motivate him in his calling as an artist.
As an artist, I don't want to be dogmatic; I just want to point and say, "Hey, look at that."

Clearly, the message any work of art conveys is a vital element of that piece. But as a young artist, I have never given much thought to the message of my work. Professor Morton points out how important the tone of voice in the message.
Does my art speak with a dogmatic tone, or do I simply point things out and leave the thinking the viewer? My art speaks...what does it say?