100 Years???

So, I was just talking with Ryan Chico about life and love and happiness. He is a senior on the Ghetto and is about to embark on another leg of his journey. I've always been encouraged by his friendship and enlightened by his perspective. While I am sure he will miss the college life, Ryan is really looking forward to the future.
This got me thinking about life and how we only live for a short time. One day you blink and you find yourself sitting on the porch with your wife, watching the grandchildren play in the yard. As I write this, my heart cannot help but ache. I wonder what it is like to be there, looking back over your life and knowing that you only have a few more years to share with those you love. I ache to be back at my grandpa's house, riding on his tractor trails, exploring the woods with my cousins. We would play all afternoon and then have a huge family dinner with all the aunts and uncles, cousins and siblings. And there sitting at the table would be my grandpa just taking it all in, and loving every minute of it.
My grandpa has gone away to heaven, and I do miss him dearly. While I know he tresured his time with us, I know that he is even happier there. Sometimes it is hard for me to think of him because I miss him so bad. But he is still with me, deep inside my soul his memory lives. And what a beautiful memory that is. Of all that my grandpa left behind, the most important thing was his legacy. He will always be remembered as the loving, compassionate grandpa who would light up when we came for a visit. His family was the joy of his life and as one of his grandchildren I will never forget how much he absolutely treasured every moment we were there.
The fond memories carry me through the heartache and make me wonder what kind of grandpa I will be. But I still have a life to live. My childhood is over, and my youth is coming to a close, but I can only live today. So I live, with every breath. With every moment I live. The words of Five for Fighting's song 100 years ring in my ears as I finish writing this post.
The sun is getting high
We're moving on...
I'm 99 for a moment
Dying for just another moment
And I'm just dreaming
Counting the ways to where you are
15 there's still time for you
22 I feel her too
33 you’re on your way
Every day's a new day...
15 there's still time for you
Time to buy and time to choose
Hey 15, there's never a wish better than this
When you only got 100 years to live


jess said...

Yeah............I totally agree with you on the concept of living for the present. Thanx for the funny picsha.


jess said...

Alec, my blog is jessicaslifesong.blogspot.com
Please Check it out whenever you have time. If u dont I completely understand.

Anonymous said...

do the comments work?

jess said...

Thanx for da comment. I tweaked my tepmlate a little bit. I know how tweak html. (I can do certain parts of it anyway)

Anonymous said...

Lovely Alec, How you make me feel with your words!! I miss him so much. Thanks for remembering Grandpa in this way. :)