A blog of of my muses & ramblings...I invite you to sit, listen, and think.
Sarah Wiragu's Valentine
You won't believe it, but I already found out who Sarah Wirgau's valentine will be this year. You would never believe it, but pictures don't lie so....
I am an adult, but I don't feel all grown up yet...hopefully, I never will. I am seeking to maintain a child-like faith and youthful enthusiasm while stepping out into the big world.
The world is an amazingly interesting gift that I hope to enjoy to the fullest. I am captivated by the beauty of Creation and want to reflect some of that in my life and work.
I am an artist. I draw and paint a little, but mostly just sculpt. Right now I am trying to understand the way the human figure fits in our culture. It seems to me that we are bombarded with images and messages about our bodies, with very few of these being positive. Therefore, one of my goals in my art is to celebrate the gift of our bodies; emphasizing a view combining modesty and wholeness rather than shame and fragmentation.
When I am not working and creating, I tend to be drawn to my family and friends. I've been blessed with relationships that continually encourage and challenge me. My life is relatively simple and invloves loving people and enjoying life together.
that is so cool... I wish I had skills like you!
p.s. that is him... (in spirit)
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