Pipe Dreams

How do you truly live?

What is it that seperates those few from the rest?

Certain rare individuals live great lives. Their stories inspire us to truly live.
When they die, their legacy lives on. The life they lived was worthwhile. They took full advantage of the years they were given. How did they do it? What made them great?

I do not want to live a life of mediocrity. I want this thing to mean something to somebody. I cannot just pass through my years only to look back with regret. I want to make a difference.

But alas, these are but the fading pleas of a whisp of vapor. My dreams will soon fade and I will look back to realize how disillusioned I was with this childish fantasy. Nobody really grows up to be a cowboy. Those childhood dreams are a false hope. Someday I will have to grow up and stop living in my dreamworld. Life is not an adventure, it just seems like that until you become an adult.

1 comment:

photolodico said...

you can still WEAR the cowboy hat... and go round up... um... kittens or something. seriously though. yes. I am never going to play in the major leagues or be the first woman on the moon. and I am going to have to pay for my own health insurance really REALLY soon. slaps me in the face. I can't sleep right now either. Greatness comes from facing the mediocrity one day at a time and giving yourself the space to just be long enough to regroup and forge ahead. At least that's what i keep gathering. I think just caring enough is a step in the right direction.