Frond Fond, I Am Not

I hate fronds! You know, those large green spikey natural fibers that grow on palm trees. Yeah those, I hate them.
Last night I was on a nice stroll with Kamel, Wendy, Afro-bro, and Davey (translated: Katie, Linda, Josh, and David). We had just embarked on a journey to Albertsons in order to secure a movie with which to entertain ourselves. About 5 minutes into our trek I noticed several very appealing, freshly cut palm fronds lying on the side of the road. Naturally, I proceeded to challenge Afro-bro to a duel. We both chose a suitable weapons (eight foot long palm fronds) and proceeded to attack one another. Using my superior height, weight, width, length advantages I was able to parry all of my opponent's thrusts and volleys. This however proved to be my undoing. As I merrily gloated over my swordfighting skills I somehow managed to plunge my saber into the tender spot behind my right knee...deeply plunge my saber into the extremely tender spot behind my right knee. My initial jubilation abruptly turned into some pitiful writhing spasms. Afro-bro was delighted at this turn of events and began his own victory celebration above my now crippled body. My numerous attempts to regain an upright status were anything but sucessful and I have spent the past day trying to walk like a normal human being...fate has not allowed this. A visit to the physician confirmed that the puncture wound would not be fatal (alas, not even a glorious warrior's death) but painful and slow to heal. On that cheerful note, I am now going to retire for the evening (I am also officially retiring from frond fighting).


Calyn said...

Alec! I found your blog! That's awesome.

Anonymous said...

you went to the'm so sorry i laughed....that is great though, i'm glad you have retired though we will all remember you as a great frond fighter

Ruthie said...

Hello Alec, sounds like you are doing good. It was good to see you again at Sarah's Party back in May. Sounds like you worked hard this summer, YEA for you. You have always been such a blessing to me and your most recent post had me in a fit of laughs and tears. Dude you are totally awesome!!! Hope you have a great next semester, I'm proud of you for stepping out of the box! Love, Ruth

Anonymous said...

Ha that's a bit funny :) It was cool hangin out a little over the summer, oh, and Cool website man... I didn't did know you had one, I assume you made it yourself? It's pretty stinkin' good! Anyway, Ciao!

James Morrow, Secretary General of United Nations said...

And retiring from soccer untill it heals?? That is a sad fate for a powerfull warrior.. :-(

Anonymous said...

Hey Alec! I just found out you had a blog! That's cool. Katie or someone told me about your palm frond adventure, they thought you were faking for a long time. :o) I'm so excited about going to your game! It's gonna be so fun! Do you have to go straight back to covanent after the game or can we hang out? Well anyway I'll talk to you later(I guess I should be a better sister and call or email you more). Hope you're having a great week! Love ya! ~Grace~

Calyn said...

Alec, dude, it's been over a month...

Anonymous said...

Hey Alec it's been over a month. Wassup?

Anonymous said...

oh my word just don't even worry about a blog...this is ridiculous

Calyn said...

Alec Waller, I was real excited about your blog when you told me you did it. But now...tsk, tsk, tsk. I'm about to take you off my "blogs I read" list, mister. You should update. Or else...